They are all useful for modifying a script created by the macro recorder, so were included.ĪutoCompleteASW_2.ahk- You press F2 to show AutoHotKey commands and F4 to add commands. These files are ran from the help menu, and it will also try to find and run the AutoHotkey.chm. They are: AutoCompleteASW_2.ahk, Assist_Help_2.ahk, WordList_AHK_API.txt, and ActiveWindowInfo.ahk. The helper scripts come from the old site, to help edit scripts, and are included at the bottom. If you press "Record" again, it will wipe the previous script. After you record, you can select "Play", to have it run again, or "Save". The "ToolTip" at the bottom would show you what the script code looks like in real time.

However, using "Clean" to remove extra time, can have mixed results. Often, a person is deciding what they want to do, which adds unnecessary time (sleep) that can be eliminated. The "Clean" button tries to take out some of the time between mouse clicks. You would press "TextRecord" first, then "Record", to have both operating. Recording text is separate from just mouse recording. It will then run the file, when you press "Record". The "Shortcut" button is used for getting file locations of desktop icons. The code is sometimes written in a bit of a funky way, but lots of comments (some funny) are made to help learn or understand it.

AHK ScriptWriter can do many of the same things, but does have some differences and improvements, to include helper scripts and is fully customizable in AutoHotKey. To get an ideal of the macro recorder AutoScriptWriter II, check out this old YouTube video.

Don't know if it will have any issues with the newer version. It was working with AutoHotkey version It was never quite completed, but good at starting off writing scripts or making little useful scripts for doing things on the computer.ĪHK ScriptWriter is somewhat like AutoScriptWriter II, but in AutoHotKey. While cleaning out my old computer, I came back upon it, and thought it would be interesting to post it. I was playing with it over a year and a half ago, to make various small scripts, and had almost forgotten about it. This partially comes from the old website, and I was playing with a macro recorder created by AHKnow.